Friday, 8 October 2010

Questionnaire + Summary

I created a questionnaire to gain an insight to what people like and expect to see in a music video. This questionnaire will help me when it comes to the time when I have to create my very own music video and I will incorporate the main views into my music video to make it as successful as possible. Below is the questionnaire that I gave to 10 people between the ages 16-19.

1. What is your favourite music genre? (Please circle one)

RnB Indie Rap Hiphop Grime Country Pop Rock Other

If other please specify: ………………………………………………………

2. What is your favourite music video of all time?

Please specify: …………………………………………………………………

3. What do you like most about that music video? (State one thing only)


4. Where do you prefer to watch music videos? (Please circle one)

TV Internet Mobile phone Other

If other please specify: ………………………………………………………....

5. What makes a music video successful? (Please circle one)

Good narrative Good lip sync Number of locations Special effects Other

If other please specify: …………………………………………………………

6. Which artist has impressed you with their music video?

Please specify: ………………………………………………………………….

7. Which music video do you like at the moment?

Please specify: ………………………………………………………………….

8. Why is it about that video you like the most?

Please specify: ………………………………………………………………….

9. What is your favourite music channel? (Please circle one)

MTV Base Kiss VH1 The Box Smash Hits! Magic Q Kerrang! Other

If other please specify: ………………………………………………………....

10. Around how many music videos do you watch a week? (Please circle one)

None 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 Over 20


Question 1

RnB   II
Indie   I
Rap   I
HipHop   I
Grime  I
Pop   II
Rock   II

As you can see above there were three genres that were equally popular with my audience. The three genres are Rap, Rock and Pop with all three getting two votes each. Joint in second place is Indie, Rap, HipHop and Grime with one vote each and the rest with no votes. From the information that i have gathered i have come to the conclusion that none of the genres by itself are far better than any other genre. so therefore i may choose a song that is a mixture of genres to make my music video attract a larger audience.

Question 2

Here are some of the most popular choices:
Rohanna - Rockstar 101
Katy B - On A Mission
Beyonce - Sweet Dreams

Question 3

Performance   IIIII
Simple   I
Abstract   I
Range of locations   I
Confident   I
Outfits   I
Atmosphere   I

From the above we have a clear favourite with performance being the most liked thing in their favourite music video of all time. The rest are tied with one vote each. As people like to see performance in music videos, I will incorporate elements of performance in my music video as I want my music video to be the best it possibly can. Another important thing in my opinion is that I think the people performing have to be confident as it would increase the success rate of the music video.

Question 4

Internet   IIII
Music videos

Most people said they prefer to watch music videos on TV with internet being the second most popular. Personally if I were to show my music video I would put it on TV and on the internet. This is because on TV the audience is limited as I would only have a national audience and only people who watch the music channels the video will be shown. However if you put the music video on a site like youtube then the audience base goes from national to global and people can view the video over and over again. But on TV they cannot do this as other music videos will also be shown so you would have to wait for a particular video to come on.

Question 5

Good narrative   IIIIII
Good lip sync    
Number of locations   I
Special effects   III

We have a clear favourite with good narrative taking 60% of the votes. Special effects get 30% while the number of locations gets 10%. When making my music video I have make sure it has a good narrative as this is very important as the audience see that the narrative has to be good for the music video to be successful. The audience also like to see special effects so I will adds special effect where necessary in my music video to gain some extra marks and also increase the enjoyment of the viewers. Another thing that I think is vital for a music video to work is the number of locations. Even though it was not very popular with the audience I think that if you don’t have enough different locations then it makes the music video boring and also you need a number of locations to get the good marks.

Question 6

Eminem   IIII
Lady Gaga   III
Michael Jackson   III

Eminem is the most popular artist with the most votes just edging past Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson by one vote. This is very convenient because one of ideas I was thinking about was to do a eminem song. Eminem is know all over the world and if i make a music video for one of his songs it would easily attract a lot of people due to his popularity.

Question 7

Most if not all the music videos people chose where narrative music videos. That tells me that narrative music videos are popular with people and that I should do a narrative based video for my music video to attract the most viewers. Examples of music videos that were given are:
Take it of – Kesha
What goes around comes around – Justin Timberlake

Question 8

Good narrative   IIII
Special Effects   I
Imagination   I
Performance   II
Props   I
Atmosphere   I

Once again having a good narrative is vital for the music video to be a success as the audience are looking for a music video where scenes relate to the lyrics.

Question 9

Mtv Base   IIII
The Box   I
Kiss   I
Mtv Rocks   IIII  

Mtv Base and Mtv Rocks are the clear winners with Four votes each. If I were to make a music video I would make sure that it plays on Mtv as this is where the majority of the audience watch music videos. So by making sure that it plays on Mtv Base and Mtv Rocks my music video would get viewed a lot and would have the best chance of being successful.

Question 10

1-5      I
6-10   IIIIII
Over 20   III

On average people watch 6-10 music videos a week. This is a good figure as there is a good chance that people would see my music video if it were to be shown on music channels and on the internet.

From the information that i have gathered from the questionnaire i have come to the conclusion that my music video must be narrative based as that is what the audience most like to see in music videos. I also have to appoint actors that are confident and can put in a good performance. Futhermore i need to make sure that i film in a number of locations so that my music video is not boring and keep the viewers at the edge of their seats.

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